Informatıon for Companıes


Do you have a challenge to solve or a new business idea to explore?


EPIC is your solution!

EPIC is a new effort from the European Commission (Erasmus+) to increase the employability through closer collaboration between students, academia and industry. EPIC provides a new framework for companies to access brilliant students from top universities in Europe. Those students will form international groups that will work together in projects proposed by companies. Not only companies will get the workforce to explore new dreams but also, they will get the support of university professors to apply in the projects last innovations and cutting-edge technologies from the state of the art.

WHAT YOU get from EPIC?

  • Access to well-educated students from top universities in Europe with different backgrounds.
  • External point of views on your companies processes and challenges.
  • Workforce that is dedicated to innovative projects and interested in your company.
  • Processed and/or solved cases, challenges, ideas your company faces.
  • Access to state of the art studies and technologies.
  • Support from the academia to co-supervise the students and provide them guidance in research and scientific aspects.
  • Evaluation of potential employee candidates dealing with real scenarios faced at your company.
  • Media publicity about your participation in this Erasmus+ project


What do you get from EPIC? 

 WHAT WE need from you?

Nothing else!

WHO can provide case studies?

All companies with challenges and ideas in digitization, IT, engineering, innovation.

HOW it works?

EPIC runs in annual cycles and  is composed of five main phases:

  •  Although the EPIC framework is continuously open to receive project proposals, every November the available projects are aggregated and provided to involved universities.
  • Universities present the proposed projects to the students, who will apply based on their interests and background.
  • A pre-selected group of students will be forwarded to the provider of the case study, who can choose regarding their requirements.
  • In the Kick-off meeting, the groups of international students of each project will meet in person to plan and schedule the different tasks.
  • Depending on the project duration, students will work for 1-6 months on the project. During this phase, students will have periodic meetings with the academia and the industry supervisors in order to assure the achievement of the goals of the project.
  • Students will present the results to the company and respectively to their universities.
  • Finally, companies can thank students’ work by writing a letter of reference for them.(Letter of Reference Template)


Project proposal deadline: 10/11/2019

Student selection deadline: 01/12/2019

Project Proposal Template